Calmness Need Not Be Serendipitous …..

If life is busy there’s always something to do or somewhere to be and it’s easy to feel that there’s never a minute to spare in which to wind down.     Even when life is not so physically active the mind is still busy producing the 2500 to 3500 thoughts each of us have every day.       We are always thinking, but how many of these thoughts are negative ones which wind us up into a ball of worry and fear ?
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to take control of this army of contemplation and to enjoy a few moments of inner calmness and freedom from preoccupying thoughts ?     Whatever calmness means for you, just take a moment to imagine basking in its presence.
Calmness can be defined as a state of inner peace and tranquillity, when consuming thoughts and worries fade away and there is no stress, strain or fear.     Finding such moments of calmness need not be serendipitous.
Just like light aids clarity of sight, calmness aids clarity of thought.     When we are in a state of calmness we are able to think more effectively thereby achieving what needs to be done more efficiently.
Inner calmness leads to external calmness.    By creating calmness in our inner world we carry it through into our external world and this has a positive influence on all we interact with.

Here are 5 Simple Ways to Practice Becoming Calmer:

Breathe deeply:
Breathe in deeply through your nose, hold each breath for a slow count of four and then exhale slowly through your mouth.    Take a couple of minutes to repeat this process and do it at least three times.   This exercise can be done anywhere and at anytime, nobody will even notice that you are doing it.
Take a few minutes out to totally focus your thoughts on an object or a certain point in the room.     It can be anything you like, a leaf on a plant, a piece of pattern on your rug or perhaps the rise and fall of your pet’s abdomen as he sleeps.    Without judging or criticising your chosen focus point just sit and be aware of it, you will probably be amazed at what you notice about it.
Remind Yourself That It’s Okay to Make Mistakes:
It is human to make mistakes, everybody does.     In fact, many of society’s most well known inventions were created by mistake.   For example, Alexander Fleming had discarded the petri dish that had been contaminated during one of his experiments.    Then he noticed that it contained a mold that was dissolving all the bacteria around it.     When he grew the mold by itself, he learned that it contained a powerful antibiotic, penicillin.
 Be Realistic:
How much control do you have over the situation ?    You can’t control the snow that’s stopping you getting to an important meeting but you can control how much effort you put into preparing for that interview you have next week.
 Be Kind to Yourself:
Be gentle with yourself.    Always treat yourself like you would treat your best friend.
Have a good week
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