Too Busy to Blog …… ??

 Too Busy

Do you ever question the whys and the wherefores of being ‘too busy’ ?

 To blog or not to blog ?   That was today’s pressing question.     Today I was just too busy to blog.    But just what was I so busy doing ?
In today’s society there is an obsequious cult, the cult of Busy.    Its mission statement declares that the busier you are, or are seen to be, will assume your importance and/or success in the eyes of others.    Members of this cult often find that they have difficulty in saying the word ‘No’ and so take on more and more tasks.    They find themselves on a treadmill of ever increasing speed.      Continual busyness will eventually lead to stress, lead to a point where something has to give.
How many people do you know who are so busy that they never seem to have time and space for themselves ?    It’s okay to have busy periods of time maybe it’s over a day, a week or two, a month or perhaps it may even take a year in order to achieve a goal.     However, during those times it is vital to take some time out to relax, to recharge the depleting batteries.     How often do you hear yourself saying “I don’t have time for reading, socialising, taking a break, meditating ” or any other pastime in which you could find some relaxation ? 
If I had my way the phrase “I don’t have time for” would be banned.     Every day we are all delivered the same amount of minutes which fit into a twenty four hour day.    When you feel that you haven’t got time for something it really has nothing to do with the quantity of time that is available to you.    It’s really about how important the task is to you.    If you were to have a heart attack, you would immediately find the time to go to a hospital.     The task of getting to the hospital would instantly become much more important than anything else you had planned for your day.     In a split second everything else on your ‘to do’ list is less important.    What people actually mean when they say “I don’t have time” is that that specific matter does not rate high enough in their listings to be awarded their time.
So, as you the reader can see, it wasn’t time I needed at all, just the effort it took to prioritise today’s ‘to do’ list and to then sit down comfortably and begin.

” Time is the coin of your life.   It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent.   Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you ”         

Carl Sandburg {1878 ~ 1967}



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