Is Advertising Good For Your Health ?

Every day we are all bombarded with subtle messages which inform us that not only are we not good enough as we are, but if we buy this product, try this particular diet and update our 3 month old iPod then everything in our lives will become perfect and we will instantly enter the land of happiness.     We are invited by television, advertising bill boards, radio jingles, newspapers, magazines and internet pop-ups to conform to what the self named ‘experts’ tell us is good for us.     When we fall for these subtle insults not only are we lining the commercial fatcats’ pockets with our money but we are in danger of losing touch with our individuality.

Advertisers spend their days coming up with ways to manipulate our behaviour, to seduce and frighten us into buying their products.   They appeal to all of our senses and our insecurities.  They painstakingly select images and scenes that will associate their products with desired, pleasurable, and optimum results.   Carefully selected and cleverly placed words are utilised to provoke our emotions and behaviour in any direction the advertisers want us go     They make sure that our emotions  and insecurities are agitated further by meticulously selecting moving music or popular songs to enhance the images.

Each one of these tactics has a profound ability to anchor the advertiser’s messages in our mind, our subconscious mind.  The repetitiveness of these messages leads to us  becoming brainwashed.     Brainwashed into believing that  that not only are we not good enough but that the pathway to happiness is only available via the acquistion of material goods and wealth.     If we are prepared to let them, these unscrupulous advertisers will have us keep right on grasping for more in order to keep on filling their pockets.

Remember, it is they who need us, not the other way around.

Take Care


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